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Benjamin: Lessons in Love and Violence CD

Lessons in Love and Violence is an opera with
music by George Benjamin and text by Martin Crimp.
The opera, which is based on the story of King Edward
II and Piers Gaveston and covers the events set out in
Christopher Marlowe's play Edward II, which
combines the story of Edward and Gaveston with the
deposition of Edward II by Mortimer and the
overthrow of Mortimer and Edward's queen Isabella of
France by Edward III. The opera is in two parts, of four
and three scenes respectively, and is performed
without a break. 

See our Opera CD Collection

Composer: George Benjamin
Text: Martin Crimp
King: Stéphane Degout
Isabel: Barbara Hannigan
Gaveston: Gyula Orendt
Mortimer: Peter Hoare
Boy / later Young King: Samuel Boden
Witness / Singer / Woman 1: Jennifer France
Witness / Singer / Woman 2: Krisztina Szabó
Witness 3 / Madman: Andri Björn Róbertsson
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: George Benjamin

Label: Nimbus
Released:7 June 2019
Running time: 85 mins